Please read the following Terms of Use for the Hot Tub, then read the declaration below, and complete and submit the form at the end of this document prior to your stay. Failure to complete and submit the declaration form will result in the Hot Tub being unavailable for your stay.

The Hot tub can be a pleasurable and relaxing experience. However, for your safety and enjoyment there are strict rules that must be adhered to when using the Hot tub - these are set out below in the Terms of Use. This is an important health & safety and legal requirement for Hot tubs used in a commercial environment.

Please be advised that we have to thoroughly clean and change the water of the hot tub between guests. This can mean that the hot tub may not be at optimal temperature for your check in time. If this should occur we would give you prior notice as we would need to check the water quality before you could safely use the tub.

Hawthorn Cottage Hot Tub


Please note that we may visit up to twice a day (dependent on usage) to check the water balance and quality. Water balance/chemicals will be adjusted as necessary and results recorded. This procedure is a safety requirement and ensures that the chemical balance of the water remains continuously safe for your enjoyment throughout your stay. It is vital that the hot tub is kept clean for your own safety. Failure to do so results in the water balance changing which seriously diminishes the effectiveness of the sanitising chemicals (including Chlorine). This in turn can lead to nasty microbiological bacteria multiplying rapidly causing a number of serious hazards to user’s health. Failure to comply with the disclaimer to maintain a clean hot tub may result in the need to drain down, sanitise, and re-fill the hot tub. Please be aware that this could result in a deduction from your security deposit to pay for the drain down and cleaning of the hot tub. Approximately 12 hours plus will then be required to return the tub to a comfortable temperature.

• No children under 16 years old are permitted in the hot tub.
• Maximum of 4 persons in the hot tub at any time. Please do not exceed the maximum number permitted.
• The use of drugs, alcohol or medication before or during hot tub is prohibited and use may lead to a danger of drowning. Persons using medication should consult their doctor before using the hot tub. Some medications may cause drowsiness, do not use the hot tub if your medication induces drowsiness, affects your heart rate, blood pressure or circulation.
• Pregnant women, persons suffering from obesity, heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems, or diabetes should consult a doctor before using the hot tub. People with infectious diseases must not use the hot tub; this includes fungal infections.
• Always shower or bathe before use, as perfumes, hair products and fake tan can contaminate the water, you may be charged for this.
• Fake tan can result in an imbalance in the hot tub chemicals, therefore please ensure you are FAKE TAN FREE before entering the hot tub.
• Do not drag the vinyl cover using the cover straps, always use the handles and cover lift assist. • Test the water with your hand before entering the hot tub to make sure it is comfortable.
• Do not use the hot tub immediately after strenuous exercise.
• Do not run, jump or dive into the hot tub.
• Do not use detergent, soaps or oils of any kind in the hot tub.
• Do not use the hot tub alone.
• It is very important that the hot tub is NEVER switched off at the mains switch unless in emergency. Do not tamper with the hot tub electrics or cabling.
• Under no circumstances remove the operating panel on the hot tub or attempt to open the electrical box or filter cover.
• Do not remove suction fittings (filter standpipes) located in the filter compartment.
• Do not use any electrical items inside the hot tub or within 7 metres.
• No pushing shoving, or dunking in the hot tub.
• Do not eat or drink whilst in the hot tub.
• Smoking is not permitted while in the hot tub, this includes e-cigarettes.
• Keep all loose articles of clothing or hanging jewellery away from jets, filters and other moving components. Keep long hair tied up.
• Glassware must not be used in or around the hot tub. If glassware is broken this will result in the hot tub being drained, cleaned and re-filled, for which there will be a charge.
• Do not allow any pets in the hot tub.
• Do not allow anyone to sleep in the hot tub.
• Please take care when leaving the hot tub and ensure you close the hot tub cover using the cover lifter provided.
• You MUST replace the cover when the Hot Tub is not in use. Failure to do so will result in the temperature falling, rendering the Hot Tub unsuitable for use.
• The hot tub cover must remain closed at all times when not in use.
• Risk to Children – Extreme caution must be exercised to prevent unauthorised access by children.
• Do not sit or stand on the hot tub cover.
• Please bathe or shower after use to remove chlorine from skin.
• Please report any illnesses following hot tub usage to the owners immediately. This is extremely important if pneumonia-like symptoms are experienced.
• Any damage to the cover or hot tub will be charged for.• Prolonged immersion in hot water can result in hyperthermia – a dangerous condition that occurs when the internal body temperature exceeds 37 degrees centigrade. Symptoms include, unawareness of impending hazards, failure to perceive heat, failure to recognise the need to exit the hot tub, unconsciousness resulting in a danger of drowning. Limit your use to 15 minutes.


I have read and understood the guidelines and safety advice for using the Hot Tub at Hawthorn Cottage. I agree to only use the Hot Tub in the correct manner, following the safety guidelines. I understand that Hawthorn Cottage and its owners will in no way be held responsible or liable for any accident, injury, illness or fatality arising from use of the Hot Tub, or failure to adhere to the safety advice. I understand that the use of the Hot Tub is entirely at mine and my accompanying parties own risk. I, as signatory of this declaration, am responsible for making sure that all members of the party, and their guests, are aware of, and strictly adhere to the guidelines. I understand that any damage to the Hot Tub incurred during my stay will have to be covered by myself. In submitting the form below I am agreeing in full to the above declaration.

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